Monday, March 12, 2012

5 Ways to Avoid Wrinkles

Holistic approach to skin care is the best way to avoid wrinkles; some people make the mistake of thinking that using the best brand of anti-wrinkle cream is all they need to keep the visible signs of aging at bay. The problem is, that approach does not work; you have to tackle the problem from all angles (from inside out). Hence, this article is going to give you 5 simple but effective tips that will help prevent your skin from wrinkling.
5 Simple tips that really work
#1. UV rays of the sun - If you really want to avoid wrinkles, you need to avoid excessive exposure to the UV rays of the sun; they tend to dry out your skin and also increase the amount of free radicals in your body. It is important to note that, not only do free radicals cause diseases including cancer, they also cause pre-mature aging.
#2. Diets - Eating healthy diets that comprise of fruits, vegetables, nuts and fish helps to nourish your body and boost your immune system; it also helps to rejuvenate your skin, making it look smooth, younger and beautiful. These foods also contain anti-oxidants and anti-aging properties that help to soften and smooth away lines.
#3. Alcohol and smoking - You can not avoid wrinkles if you continue to smoke and binge drink because studies have shown that people who smoke and drink age faster than those who do not. These two culprits also dry and damage your skin, making it look older than you really are.
#4. Antioxidant - It is important to use skin care products that contain powerful antioxidants such as CoQ10. One of the best type of CoQ10 is Nano-lipobelle HEQ10; this natural ingredient is proven to gobble free radicals, it also penetrate seven layers of skin to nourish and revitalize it, thereby helping you avoid wrinkles.
#5. Collagen - If you want to avoid wrinkles, you should also use anti-wrinkle creams that boost collagen in your body. Look for a brand that contains Cynergy TK because it is a natural ingredient that helps to enhance the production of natural collagen and elastin in your body. Cynergy TK does not only help to prevent your skin from wrinkling, it also removes existing wrinkles.
The truth is, nothing can be compared to holistic approach to skin care if you really want to avoid wrinkles; for more information on how to make your skin healthy, smooth, younger and beautiful with natural ingredients, visit my website.
Discover the best anti-wrinkle cream that will help you avoid wrinkles.

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